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// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
// OpenZeppelin Contracts (last updated v5.0.0) (utils/ShortStrings.sol)

pragma solidity ^0.8.20;

import {StorageSlot} from "./StorageSlot.sol";

// | length | 0x BB |
type ShortString is bytes32;

* @dev This library provides functions to convert short memory strings
* into a `ShortString` type that can be used as an immutable variable.
* Strings of arbitrary length can be optimized using this library if
* they are short enough (up to 31 bytes) by packing them with their
* length (1 byte) in a single EVM word (32 bytes). Additionally, a
* fallback mechanism can be used for every other case.
* Usage example:
* ```solidity
* contract Named {
* using ShortStrings for *;
* ShortString private immutable _name;
* string private _nameFallback;
* constructor(string memory contractName) {
* _name = contractName.toShortStringWithFallback(_nameFallback);
* }
* function name() external view returns (string memory) {
* return _name.toStringWithFallback(_nameFallback);
* }
* }
* ```
library ShortStrings {
// Used as an identifier for strings longer than 31 bytes.
bytes32 private constant FALLBACK_SENTINEL = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000FF;

error StringTooLong(string str);
error InvalidShortString();

* @dev Encode a string of at most 31 chars into a `ShortString`.
* This will trigger a `StringTooLong` error is the input string is too long.
function toShortString(string memory str) internal pure returns (ShortString) {
bytes memory bstr = bytes(str);
if (bstr.length > 31) {
revert StringTooLong(str);
return ShortString.wrap(bytes32(uint256(bytes32(bstr)) | bstr.length));

* @dev Decode a `ShortString` back to a "normal" string.
function toString(ShortString sstr) internal pure returns (string memory) {
uint256 len = byteLength(sstr);
// using `new string(len)` would work locally but is not memory safe.
string memory str = new string(32);
/// @solidity memory-safe-assembly
assembly {
mstore(str, len)
mstore(add(str, 0x20), sstr)
return str;

* @dev Return the length of a `ShortString`.
function byteLength(ShortString sstr) internal pure returns (uint256) {
uint256 result = uint256(ShortString.unwrap(sstr)) & 0xFF;
if (result > 31) {
revert InvalidShortString();
return result;

* @dev Encode a string into a `ShortString`, or write it to storage if it is too long.
function toShortStringWithFallback(string memory value, string storage store) internal returns (ShortString) {
if (bytes(value).length < 32) {
return toShortString(value);
} else {
StorageSlot.getStringSlot(store).value = value;
return ShortString.wrap(FALLBACK_SENTINEL);

* @dev Decode a string that was encoded to `ShortString` or written to storage using {setWithFallback}.
function toStringWithFallback(ShortString value, string storage store) internal pure returns (string memory) {
if (ShortString.unwrap(value) != FALLBACK_SENTINEL) {
return toString(value);
} else {
return store;

* @dev Return the length of a string that was encoded to `ShortString` or written to storage using
* {setWithFallback}.
* WARNING: This will return the "byte length" of the string. This may not reflect the actual length in terms of
* actual characters as the UTF-8 encoding of a single character can span over multiple bytes.
function byteLengthWithFallback(ShortString value, string storage store) internal view returns (uint256) {
if (ShortString.unwrap(value) != FALLBACK_SENTINEL) {
return byteLength(value);
} else {
return bytes(store).length;